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Saturday, August 23, 2008


I am looking for ideas and tips from women who work from home while taking care of their children. Let me hear it all, the good the bad, and the ugly!! :). I am starting an online fair trade children's clothing boutique and I teach online as my full time gig. I also have a toddler that keeps my hopping during the day. It gets pretty crazy at times. I try to shoe horn things in where I can. I feel like I can't waste one moment. When he naps I jump on my computer. I try to do the house work stuff when he is awake because he likes to help load the dryer , and fold clothes. But I also want to play with him!! It's very difficult at times to juggle all of this.

So I want to know, how do you do it? Do you have any tricks or tips that you can share that help you make it through the day with your sanity intact?


Kim @ What's That Smell said...

I don't really work other than my blog and my graphic designs, but I have a laptop and sit on the floor with the laptop on the coffee table and sort of multi-task while I play with my kids.

My son is 4 1/2 and my daughter is almost 9 months and I get a decent amount done. I have a hard time trying to get housework done. Computer time is much easier for me.

hippos toes said...

Yes, I've become a real octopus with the multi-tasking :). Thanks for responding Kim.

Glass of Whine said...

My friend hired a part-time nanny to help out 3 days a week. The nanny works M-W from 8a - 2p, or around there. If that is something within your budget it may be worth considering. I think the best part is that the nanny comes to you and you don't have to worry about dropping off/picking up and all that added daily work.

hippos toes said...

I've been seriously considering the nanny. It would make my life so much easier. I love the idea of them coming to my home.