In place of the treadmill, one thing that I have discovered are fitness DVD's from gaiam. I love these tapes!! For about $15 per DVD, I can change up my routines every day so I get a bit of variety. I just got the Cardio Burn Yoga DVD and it is great. My tush was hurting in places that I never thought could hurt! I love that feeling - it makes me feel like I'm targeting other muscle groups and my tush will love me for it, so will my jeans! Gaiam has some great pilates DVDs, yoga, cardio, kickboxing and even walking DVDs. Walking in your home, you ask? Yes, they really are great if you find that you can't get outside and/or you don't want to take the time to go to the gym. They are also great if you have to take a trip and you don't or can't get to the gym at the hotel. They allow you to workout in the privacy of your own room.
Another great thing about the DVDs is that many of them have 30 minute express workouts and 60 minute workouts all on the one tape. So if you find that you only have a half an hour you can still work in a workout. Now there's no excuse for you not to squeeze in a few minutes if you have a DVD at home. So go ahead and eat that cookie. You can work it off!! :)
I got a bunch of stuff from them a few months ago with great deals. Love that site!
What a great idea. I wish I had time to do this from home.
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