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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Have to Comment on this Commercial.....

Okay, so how many of you have seen the Electrolux commercial with Kelly Ripa? I mean, Come On!!! Are you serious?? First of all, the fact that she is sashaying around in her heels doing laundry and flipping cookies to her kids while they are sitting on the couch is one thing that is beyond believable. But the fact that she is sashaying around and flipping just baked cookies to her three kids that are sitting on the sofa doing NOTHING but watching TV is something else!! WTH?? Are you kidding me. It would be a cold day in H-E-double toothpicks, if I was working my tookus off all day hosting a TV show and heaven knows how many other guest appearances and such, and then have to come home and do my own laundry and have to bake cookies for my three perfectly capable children while they sit on their rears and watch TV. Okay, I don't host a TV show and I don't do guest appearances, but that ain't happening at my house! I don't care if I wear my poochies (aka slippers) all day.

Am I the only old fashioned freak that thinks this is crazy? Maybe I'm getting old and crotchety, but I expect my little guy to start helping around the house as soon as he is able to hold a broom. He's getting pretty good at it now, as a matter of fact. What the H-E-double toothpicks is he waiting for? He already takes the hamper back to the laundy room. Tomorrow he's going to have a to-do list posted on the fridge and I better not hear any whining or complaining!! I don't care if he is only 20 months old!!


Suzie said... are hilarious!! I do have to tell you that the commercial you are talking about with the 3 girls sitting on the couch aren't her kids....I think it's supposed to be one of her kids with her 2 little friends hanging out. I think she's got 2 boys and a girl in real life. Anways that doesn't matter. I'm with ya , sister!! My 4 yo has jobs...little ones like let the dog out...put this in the laundry room, etc. I love your blog post!!! :)

Kate said...

I totally agree. And as for my household, my little monkey will of course be used for slave labor!! Oh, and I love what you are doing with Fair Trade Month. You are such an activist, I love it!

Anonymous said...

isn't that why we have kids? so they can eventually do the housework for us? LOL!

btw, i gave you an award. come see!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

seriously...that is esxactly what i said when i saw this for the first time. she's skinny, has great hair, high heels and a dress? seriously...again! i could maybe pull that look off with a trainer, surgery, maid, cook and nanny. how about you?

Debbie said...

Right there with you! That commercial, and actually just Kelli Ripa in general, irritates me.

christie said...

I just really don't see this happening at MY HOUSE. It's crazy.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I hate...erm...strongly dislike Ripa anyway. And those commercials are awful. the heels, for one, the deadbeats kids for two.

I'm with you.

The Mom said...

kids I agree, in order to raise self-sufficient responsible adults, we should not wait on our children hand and foot.

I gave you an award over at my blog btw.

(I know The Neurotic Mom did too, but I want yout o know I love your blog as well!)